Words can’t begin to describe what Speedweek meant to me last year… which may explain why almost a year later I still have only a half-written article about it. Sitting down to work on it tonight, I’m overcome with emotion.

[Update: I FINALLY did finish writing about it, read the full story here.]

Minds have a hard time seeing the incredible heights because the looming depths. I never would have bought my Studebaker if I knew the full story of all that it would bring. But I’m so glad I didn’t let fear keep me from following the instincts of my heart.

After waiting 3 years for conditions to be right on the salt flats, we blew the hood off on our first run. That could have been the end to our Speedweek. If your chances are so precarious, why invest so much of yourself? Because it’s worth it.

Even if we hadn’t have fixed the hood (we did) and I wouldn’t have gotten my license (I got two!) it all would have been worth it. You’ll never know what adventures you’ll have unless you put yourself out there. These “adventures” – they’re the things we can’t control, the things we have no idea about, the things that are so beyond us – they’re what living is all about.

I’m so thankful for the many experiences and people who have entered into my own adventures (especially you, Jerry, on this one!) And thankful that I can look at these pictures and be reminded of this life lesson. I’m looking forward to the next adventure.

Happy Trails,

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